Battle of the Books FAQs | Elementary & Middle School

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few frequently asked questions from advisors and parents, designed to address common concerns.


How many teams can come per district?

For Elementary Schools:



For Middle Schools:
Registration for middle school teams is on a first-come, first-served basis. We can accept a total of 20 teams. Each school district may register up to 2 teams. If space allows, additional teams from the same school may be accepted. 

Do students have to read all books on the list to participate?

Students do not have to read all the books to participate in Battle of the Books as they will be on a team when answering the questions and can consult as a group on the answer. This means that as long as one student on the team has read the book, the team can win the points. 

My child wants to participate, how do I get them started?

A certificated staff member from the school would need to assemble a team of 3-7 students. We recommend reaching out to your school to see if any teachers would be interested in creating a team. Our goal is to inspire students to read, so even if your school is unable to participate in the county event this year, we still encourage your student(s) to read the selected books. Please feel free to email us if you'd like to honor your students' reading efforts with a participation pin and certificate. 

What if I don’t feel comfortable with my student reading one of the books on the list?

Students do not need to read all the books to participate in Battle of the Books. During the event, students work with their assigned team and can collaborate on answers. This means that as long as one team member has read the book, the team can win the points. As always, parents have the right to make decisions about what is best for their child and to guide their reading choices based on what they feel is appropriate.

How many students can be on a team?

A team can consist of 3 to 7 students. During registration, you will provide the names of the students on your team. Teams may also submit names and permission forms for alternate students who can replace a team member if they are unable to attend the event. However, on the day of the event, the team of 3 to 7 students participating must remain unchanged throughout the event.

What can my student/child expect on the day of the event?

Battle of the Books is a trivia-style event where questions will be read aloud by the Emcee and simultaneously displayed on the screen for students to read. Students will sit with their team at a table and be able to collaborate on their answers. Each team will designate one student to write the answer on a whiteboard (students may alternate in this role, if desired). The team will have 20 seconds to write their answer, and once time is up, they will present their answer to the proctor sitting at their table. The proctor will then record the team's answer so that points may be awarded.

For Elementary School, do the students attend both sessions?

For the Elementary School event, students attend one session only. Battle of the Books is a one-day event, but we offer two sessions to accommodate more teams. Both sessions feature the same event, and upon registration, you will be asked to indicate your preferred date. While we will make every effort to honor your request, we cannot guarantee that your team will be assigned to the requested date.

How will the winners be determined?

Students will participate in two rounds of questions, with each round consisting of 20 questions. All questions will be presented in the format: 'In which book...?'". Teams will receive 3 points for the correct title and 2 points for the correct author. The team with the highest score at the end will win. Lastly, the top three teams will receive awards for first, second, and third place.

Are team advisors allowed to sit with their team during the competition?

No, team advisors will serve as observers and may sit or stand in the audience assigned area.

Are parents allowed to attend the event and sit in the audience?

Yes, however, please note that space will be extremely limited. While we encourage parents and friends to attend and support the teams, space and chairs for observers will be limited.

Will food be provided for participating students?

The Middle School event will take place after lunch. Students should arrive having already eaten; however, light snacks and water bottles will be provided for each team.

What prizes will be awarded?

All participating teams will receive a Battle of the Books logo pin. Teachers are encouraged to print participation certificates (available on our website) for students who have read all the books.

The first, second, and third place teams will each receive a team plaque for their school, and every student on the team will be awarded a limited-edition Battle of the Books poster.

The team who wins first place will also receive a prize basket for the entire team to share. But most importantly, they’ll earn the ultimate reward: bragging rights!

Does spelling count?

Spelling does not matter, as long as the students clearly demonstrate knowledge of the correct answers.

What if there is a tie?

In the event of a tie, all teams will participate in a tiebreaker round with ten additional questions. Each question will include a quote from one of the books on the list, and students will need to write down the title and author of the book they believe the quote is from.

If you have additional questions not answered on this page, please contact Ashlee Nishiya at, or Jennifer Gorin at