Series 3000 - General Administrative
No.Sorted By No. In Ascending OrderTitlePolicyRegulationExhibitAdopted/Revised
3120Budget ControlDownload  05/05/08
3130Budget CalendarDownload  02/14/96
3140Budget ProcedureDownload  05/05/08
3230Federal Grant FundsDownloadDownload SP 7/11/22 AR 06/07/24
3260Fees & Refunds for Adult Professional Development Download  05/19/21
3290Applications for Grants Subcontracting AgrmtsDownload  08/14/17
3300Expenditures - Expending AuthorityDownload  10/03/16
3311Bids & ProcurementDownloadDownload 10/03/16
3312.2Independent Contracts & Consultant ServicesDownloadDownload SP 05/05/08; AR 01/17/02
3350Travel and Credit Card PolicyDownloadDownload BP 10/31/22 AR 1/01/23
3350Receipt of Credit Card Exh 1  Download01/14/19
3350CAL Card Reimbursement Exh 2  Download02/04/19
3350CAL Card Monthly Log Exh 3  Download02/04/19
3350Travel Expense Claim Form 01/1/23  DownloadEffective 1/1/23
3450Real PropertyDownload  05/05/08
3512Equipment  Download AR 03/07/23
3513.1TelephonesDownload  05/05/08
3513.11Cellular PhonesDownloadDownload SP 01/22/19; AR 01/22/19
3513.3Tobacco Free SchoolsDownloadDownload SP/AR 01/22/25
3513.4Office HoursDownload  05/05/08
3513.6Naming of FacilitiesDownload  11/08/96
3513.7Facilities ImprovementsDownload  05/05/08
3514.1Hazard Communication ProgramDownloadDownload SP 02/14/96; AR 05/06/08
3514.3Injury & Illness Prevention ProgramDownloadDownload SP 02/14/96; AR 05/05/08
3514.4Temporary Modified/Transitional AssignmentDownload  05/05/08
3514.4Modified Return-to-Work Program for Industrial Injury Download 05/05/08
3514.5Communicable Infectious Disease ControlDownloadDownload 02/14/96
3514.51Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan Download 02/03/14
3515Facilities and School Campus SecurityDownload  09/06/22
3515.5Student Health Care and EmergenciesDownload  02/14/96
3515.7Sex Offender InformationDownload  09/08/97
3516 Emergency and Disaster PreparednessDownloadDownload 08/22/22
3521.1Letters, Bulletins & ReportsDownload  05/05/08
3522Mail ServicesDownload  05/05/08
3523Media RelationsDownloadDownloadDownloadSP 11/14/05; AR 10/03/11; Exh 10/03/11
3524Printing & Graphic ReproductionDownload  05/05/08
3540TransportationDownload  10/31/22
3541.1Student Transportation - Privately Owned VehiclesDownloadDownloadDownload05/05/08
3541.2Transportation for Students with DisabilitiesDownload  10/31/22
3580County Office of Education RecordsDownloadDownload SP/AR 02/03/25
3591Address of EmployeesDownload  02/14/96
3592Contributions and DonationsDownload  05/05/08
3593Co-sponsorship with Outside AgenciesDownload  02/14/96
3594Non-Discrimination - StudentsDownload  09/20/00
3595Awards to EmployeesDownload  05/05/08
3596Annual Investment PolicyDownload  11/08/96
3597Professional MembershipsDownload  05/05/08
3598Creation, Publication & Sale of MaterialsDownload  10/12/15
Superintendent Policies