"Universal design for learning (UDL) is an approach to building instruction that is accessible for all learners. It aims to give all students an equal opportunity to access and make steady
progress toward California grade-level content standards regardless of the students’ language acquisition levels, disability, or other learning needs." California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities, page 64
UDL is rapidly gaining momentum throughout Ventura County and beyond. As a critical part of a Multi-Tiered System of Support, the principles of UDL provide guidance on how teachers and other school staff can design instruction to meet the needs of all students. With an emphasis on creating flexible learning environments, UDL advocates for providing students options and choices with a focus on removing barriers that might exist with the curriculum. The ultimate goal of UDL is to produce expert learners who are resourceful and knowledgeable, strategic and goal-directed, and purposeful and motivated.
For more information about UDL or to discuss how VCOE's Department of Curriculum and Instruction might be able to support your site, district, or LEA with UDL implementation, please contact us at (805) 437-1300.

UDL Tools and Resources
- Culturally Responsive Design for English Learners The UDL Approach, Patti Kelly Ralabate EdD and Louri Lord Nelson
- Innovate Inside the Box, George Couros with Katie Novak
- The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness, Todd Rose
- Universally Designed Leadership, Katie Novak and Kristan Rodriguez
- UDL NOW, Katie Novak
- UDL In the Cloud, Katie Novak & Tom Novak. K
- UDL Moving from Exploration to Integration, Edited by Nancy S. Grasmick and Elizabeth Berquist, EdD
- UDL Theory and Practice Digital Textbook
- UDL 101, David Rose
- The End of Average, Todd Rose