District Specific Mental Health Resources

Conejo Valley Unified School District
Social-Emotional and Mental Health Resources and Supports: https://www.conejousd.org/Page/1755
Mental Health and Wellness Resources: https://www.conejousd.org/Page/2047
Student Support Services: https://www.conejousd.org/Page/1661

Fillmore Unified School District
Special Education/Health Services: https://www.fillmoreusd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=369900&type=d&pREC_ID=831976
Student Services: https://www.fillmoreusd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=511284&type=d&pREC_ID=1033048

Hueneme Elementary School District
Health Services: https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/page/health-services
Student Support Services: https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/page/student-support-services

Moorpark Unified School District
Health Services: https://www.mrpk.org/districtoffice/instructional-and-support-services/health
Wellness Committee: https://www.mrpk.org/districtoffice/instructional-and-support-services/wellness-committee
Instructional and Support Services: https://www.mrpk.org/districtoffice/instructional-and-support-services

Oak Park Unified School District
Student Support and School Safety: https://www.oakparkusd.org/domain/1402
Wellness Policy: https://www.oakparkusd.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=10234
Wellness Council: https://www.oakparkusd.org/Page/68

Oxnard School District
Health Services: https://www.oxnardsd.org/Domain/1387
Equity, Family, and Community Engagement: https://www.oxnardsd.org/Domain/5969

Ojai Unified School District
Mental Health Services: https://www.ojaiusd.org/page/mental-health-services
Student and Family Support Services: https://www.ojaiusd.org/page/student-and-family-support

Oxnard Union High School District
Student Health Resources: https://www.oxnardunion.org/students/student-health-resources
Health Education: https://www.oxnardunion.org/students/health-education

Pleasant Valley School District
Health Services: https://www.pleasantvalleysd.org/domain/3069
Wellness Programs: https://www.pleasantvalleysd.org/Page/3429

Rio School District
Counselor Corner: https://rioschools.org/counselor-corner/
Pupil Personnel Services: https://rioschools.org/departments/pupil-personnel-services/
Student/Family Services: https://rioschools.org/departments/studentfamily-services/
Rio School District Projects: https://rioschools.org/projects/

Santa Paula Unified School District
Mental Health/Suicide Prevention: https://www.santapaulausd.org/departments1/educational-services/student-support-services/mental-healthsuicide-prevention
Student Support Services: https://www.santapaulausd.org/departments1/educational-services/student-support-services

Simi Valley Unified School District
Health Services - School Nurses: https://www.simivalleyusd.org/district/educational-services/student-support-services/health-services-school-nurses
Mental Health & Student Wellness: https://www.simivalleyusd.org/students/mental-health-student-wellness
Student Support Services: https://www.simivalleyusd.org/district/educational-services/student-support-services

Ventura Unified School District
Health Services: https://www.venturausd.org/services/health-services
Mental Health Resources: https://www.venturausd.org/services/mental-health-resources
Student Support Services: https://www.venturausd.org/services/student-support-services
Ventura County Mental Health Resources
There are great resources found in the Wellness Every Day website overseen by Ventura County Behavioral Health. These include resources for depression, suicide, LGBTQ+, and more. To visit the website please click on following link: (English) https://www.wellnesseveryday.org/ (Español) https://www.saludsiemprevc.org/

Interface Children & Family Services is Ventura County's most comprehensive nonprofit social services agency providing direct, responsive, wrap-around services to address the complex needs of their clients and community. Interface's Mental Health program recently introduced "Phoenix Project", which educates school personnel and parents county-wide about the impact of wildfire-related trauma and the warning signs of trauma on youth (K-12). In addition, Interface is providing evidence-based mental health services to students impacted by the 2018 Thomas and Woolsey Fires. Text "Phoenix" to 211 for resources and support, as well as additonal information in English or Spanish regarding access to services.

211 Ventura County connects people to health information, social services and referrals through a comprehensive resources database, including information on where to find food banks, mental health services, financial assistance and much more. Call 211 or visit their website: (English) https://211ventura.org/ (Español) https://211ventura.org/inicio/.

The Ventura County Behavioral Health Department (VCBH) provides mental health and substance abuse services available to residents. For more information on all services VCBH provides click on the following link https://www.vcbh.org/services/overview
NAMI Ventura County provides emotional support, education and resource for those with a mental illness. NAMI "...advocate for a life of quality and dignity—one without discrimination—for all people affected by this illness." https://namiventura.org/

Diversity Collective, the parent organization to the Rainbow Umbrella Program, is a nonprofit that promotes the advocacy, education, mental and physical health for the LGBTQ+ community throughout Ventura County. Some of the services Diversity Collective provides includes guided meditation, youth peer-based support groups, and free counseling. https://www.diversitycollectivevc.org/

Proyecto Esperanza provides mental health services to residents in the Santa Paula area. They offer volunteer opportunities and classes through their Esperanza Project Activity Center. You can follow their Facebook page at @esperanzaprojectsantapaula or contact them here.

One Step A La Vez provides services and resources to youth in Fillmore and Piru. This includes support for homeless teens and young adults, LGBTQ+ support, food access, and more. Many of the meetings that would have been held in-person are now available via Zoom. A calendar of upcoming dates can be found at the bottom of the home page. osalv.org/calendar.html

Kids & Families Together provides support, education, and counseling to individuals and families in foster/resource car, kinship care, legal guardianship, adoption, and birth families. Their programs encompass in-home family therapy, psychoeducation, support groups and more. https://www.kidsandfamilies.org/

State and National Mental Health Resources
Know the Signs is a statewide marketing campaign that focuses on three key messages. 1. Know the Signs related to Suicide. 2. Find the words to begin the conversation. 3. Reach out. https://www.suicideispreventable.org/

The Trevor Project is a leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. https://www.thetrevorproject.org/

AB-5 The Safe and Supportive Schools Act requires the development of an online training delivery platform and curriculum to support LGBTQ+ cultural competency training for teachers and other certificated employees serving pupils in grades 7 to 12 by July 1, 2025. Reference the full assembly bill here. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB5
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available to everyone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Anyone who calls in will receive free and confidential emotional support. https://988lifeline.org/

The Help for Students in Crisis subpage on the California Department of Education website contains many different resources, hotlines, and organizations for addressing mental health and wellness at school sites. https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/mh/studentcrisishelp.asp

The California Youth Crisis Line (1-800-843-5200) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide crisis intervention counseling and resource referrals via online chat, text, and through the phone. Professionally trained staff and volunteer counselors discuss in confidence and without judgement suicide, depression, human trafficking, trauma, and more with the caller. https://calyouth.org/cycl/

The Jason Foundation dedicates its work to prevent the "Silent Epidemic" of youth suicides through education and awareness. To find more information on how to get involved or training visit the Jason Foundation Website. https://jasonfoundation.com/

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention organization empowers its community through research, education and advocacy to take action against suicide and those affected by suicide. To find more information and local chapters visit https://afsp.org/

Society For Adolescent Health and Medicine is a multidisciplinary organization committed to improving the physical and psychosocial health and well-being of all adolescents through advocacy, clinical care, health promotion, health service delivery, professional development, and research. Adolescence is a time of dramatic changes in a young person's life - SAHM provides a list of Clinical Care Resources that are intended to provide guidance and resources to young adult health care providers and youth serving professionals. https://adolescenthealth.org/

What is Love teaches young people, parents and schools how to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships. With this new understanding, we teach them how to avoid abuse and how to love in a healthy way. We use a whole-school restorative approach to building healthy relationships, equipping every school with the knowledge and tools they need to strengthen school climate, safety, and connectedness. https://www.what-is-love.org/

Last updated December 29, 2023.