Hackathon FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Hackathon

Click on the arrow (➡️) beside each question to see or hide the answer:
➡️ Can I come if I have no experience whatsoever?

Yes, you can come!  You've got skills that will rock any team. Nobody has to carry the whole load by themselves.

✅ You got a flair for art? You can whip up some awesome logos and designs.

✅ You got a gift for gab? You can be the star speaker for your team.

✅ You got a knack for solving problems? Then you will be a key player in the design process.

All skills and all skill levels are welcome!

➡️ Can I arrive after it starts?

If you need to arrive after the 4:30pm start time, please email hackathon@vcoe.org so we can update our records. Keep in mind the following:

  • Dinner is on from 5:00pm-6:00pm and that's when you get to mingle with other students

  • 6:00pm is when we kick off our first workshop to brainstorm some awesome project ideas and form some epic teams. You should be there, because it's time to lay the smackdown on some awesome challenges!

➡️ Do I have to stay overnight?

Yes. We will lock the doors to the conference center no later than 8:00pm. If you need to leave early, you must submit an Early Release Form. Once you leave, you cannot return due to security reasons. We want to keep everyone safe and sound!

➡️ Where do we sleep?

This event is only 24 hours long, so most students work hard all night long. You can catch some Z's in the main room (check out the pics below). This year we've got a "Nap Room" with a credentialed employee watching over it where you can go for some peace and quiet and either snooze or chill, no hacking allowed. Here are some of the crazy ways students crashed last year:

💤 bring a camping mat and sleeping bag

💤 bring comfy clothes and crash under the tables

💤 bring a blanket and pillow and make a bed out of a few chairs

💤 bring a blanket/sleeping bag and come take a nap in the "Nap room"

➡️ Do I have to prepare anything for the event?

Here's a video that shows you how to cook up a killer question to get ready for the event. It's not mandatory, but it's a good idea. Having a question that you can pitch to your team will help you cut through the nonsense and give you more time to make some magic:


➡️ Do I bring my own computer?
  • Bring your computer AND charger (and VR setup if you want/have)! You can use your school computer or a personal computer. 
  • Chromebooks will work, but if you are doing the coding for your team, you might consider a PC or Mac. 

Need to borrow a laptop for the hackathon? Request one before January 17th to guarantee a device: REQUEST A LAPTOP TO USE


If you have any questions that are not answered here, email hackathon@vcoe.org and we will not only answer you, but add the question to this page.










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Hackathon by the Sea Promo Video