Roles and Responsibilities
Program Participation

Administrator Induction Program candidates are expected to make timely progress and complete all program requirements and responsibilities by prescribed deadlines in order to meet their program completion date and earn their clear credential. Candidates are expected to submit quality work that demonstrates professionalism with reflection on both their practice and their leadership development. Candidates participate in ongoing program evaluation, including reflection and annual program evaluation surveys, for each year the candidate is enrolled in the program. Candidates understand and agree to abide by the ESE Professional Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity policy.


Coaches support the candidate’s consistent practice of self-assessment, investigation, and data gathering aligned to goals. They facilitate candidate growth and development by providing modeling, observation, guided reflection on practice, and feedback, and they use formative assessment supports to inform candidates about their professional performance and growth using a cycle of inquiry and continuous improvement.

Coach Roles and Responsibilities  

  • Attend the program orientation 

  • Attend initial and ongoing coaches’ trainings 

  • Submit all required documents (e.g. VCOE Registration, Coach Logs, Coach Program Surveys) by required due dates. 

  • Assist the candidate by collaboratively developing performance goals as part of an annual Personalized Learning Plan (PLP). 

  • Provide a minimum of forty hours of job-embedded coaching activities that are regular, consistent, and ongoing throughout each year of the program. 


Lead Mentors

All Lead Mentors attend program planning meetings as requested, attend candidate events, provide coaches’ training and feedback using the rubric criteria, and score and provide formative feedback to candidates on Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) submissions in Canvas. Lead Mentors collaborate with coaches and candidates in support of the candidate’s progress.



Eligibility for credential programs is determined by ESE Academic Advisors, based on the credentials candidates already hold and by the requirements of their employing school districts. To apply to the Ventura County Administrator Induction Program, candidates must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:

  • Hold a California Preliminary Administrative Services credential
  • Hold a California Clear (or Life) teaching or services credential
  • Employed in an administrative assignment requiring the Administrative Services credential